Green Breakfast Bowl

Green Breakfast Bowl

I had planned to start the year with a post about cleansing. But since I just shoved down two of David’s Almond Butter Cookies, that somehow wouldn’t feel completely honest. Although if you don’t count those cookies, I have actually started the new year pretty clean and healthy. Obviously I’m not on a juice cleanse, but I have tried to minimize my intake of sugar, gluten and dairy products even more. This week we have therefore had some delicious and light dinners. We will share a few of them with you soon, but today we focus on the first meal of the day.

I have started every morning this year with warm lemon water. It is probably the quickest and easiest way to cleanse your system, improve digestion and boost the immune system. And when followed by this nutrition packed green breakfast bowl, you have a pretty great kick start of the day. This blend is actually a kind of smoothie, but we eat it as a substitution for yogurt, served in bowls and often topped with some muesli, granola or seeds. It can probably sound a bit extreme to have spinach, avocado and fennel in a breakfast smoothie, but combined with the rest of the ingredients it really has a fresh and delicious taste.

We will be back in just a few days with a nice soup recipe, but until then we hope to have you hooked on our breakfast bowl.
2013, here we go!

Warm Lemon Water
Serves 2

 2 cups warm water
2-4 slices organic lemon

Heat the water as though to make tea, it doesn’t have to boil. Pour into tea cups and add the lemon slices. (I usually squeeze the lemons as well). Serve.

Green Breakfast Bowl
Serves 2

You need a pretty good blender or food processor to get it completely smooth. Our Vitamix does the job easily. But if you have a juice machine you can start by running the fennel, ginger, apple and pineapple through it and then blend the juice together with the rest of the ingredients.

1/2 avocado
1/4 fennel
1/2 handful spinach or kale
1/2 inch fresh ginger
1 apple (or banana if you prefer it sweeter)
2-inch slice pineapple
1 tbsp physsilium, hemp, flax or chia seeds
1 cup almond milk or ice cold water

Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until smooth. Pour in bowls and top with seeds, nuts or granola.


  • Quite interesting, should try it out soon
  • Matilda
    I love this one! Thanks for all these delicious recepies that adds happiness to my days. Can you tell me where you get all these nice kitchen accessories (like this board)? thanks matilda
  • Katie
    Drinking this as I type. I used bananas and almond milk, skipped the seeds and fennel (only because I didn't have them), and added a teaspoon or so of bee pollen and a small spoonful of coconut oil. It has a creamy texture and I love how the taste of the ginger comes through- delicious!
  • Vera
    Definetely one of the tastiest things I ever tried! So creamy thanks to the avocado and delicate because of the fennel... and you can never go wrong with a bit of ginger! Many thanks! :)
  • This sounds like a great way to start the day. I will start doing it tomorrow. Thanks.
  • Mark
    Had this yesterday...I froze the banana and pineapple overnight, and went with flax seed and coconut milk. It honestly tasted like I was eating delicious green ice cream for breakfast, it was amazing. Thanks!
  • Ursula
    Have made this a couple times since you posted it - it is delicious! My 3 year old enjoys it as much as me, and we've had it with homemade granola and as a smoothie. Thanks for another great recipe!
  • Amanda
    I made this recipe. I liked it but for next time I will be freezing my pineapple and bananas and making more of a chilled smoothie. I found it a little to thick, it could of been because i used banana instead of apple. I felt it needed to be really cold for me to drink. Does the VitaMix Blender liquefy more then a regular blender? thanks Amanda :)
  • Green smoothie for the winter! Thank you for this healthy & delicious recipe. I can only imagine how the avocado smoothie tastes like.
  • Amanda
    Hello! Love your blog! I really want to make this recipe. Can u suggest which seed for me to Buy. I'm a 29 year old female who just had a baby 10 months ago. I have no clue which seed to pick phyissilium, hemp, flax or chia seed. Or which seed is the most versatile for recipes. Thanks, Amanda :)
    • Dear Amanda, you can use the seed of choice. Hemp and chia are very expensive and can be hard to find in some parts of the world. Psyllium is often found in the gluten free sections. Flax (linseed) is found in most countries and is less expensive. All seeds adds fiber, plant based protein and healthy fats. Good luck Luise
  • Hannah
    Dear Luise, Thanks very much for taking the time to reply to my question. Your advice and the link are very helpful! Best wishes, Hannah
  • Hi Green Kitchen Stories. I've been following your blog for the last few months and I love it! Thanks for the green breakfast bowl smoothie recipe, the ginger is a nice twist. You're right, it's probably best to use a Vitamix but I make all of my green smoothies in a normal blender and it still works really well. As challenging as it was to go without chocolate, I did a 7 day detox diet plan for a fresh start to the new year and it did absolute wonders for my body. If you're interested, here are the guidelines: Thanks again for the great blog!
  • I'm a terrible breakfast eater although I know it's the most important meal of the day. I acctually prefere to drink, but tea doesn't get me far (obviosly) so I think I'll try this recipe, thank you for the idea!
  • Eline
    I found your blog by accident, but I'm so glad I did! This has become my new favorite blog. Seriously. I will try this recipe very soon!
  • It's intriguing how would it taste like with fresh spinach on. Anyhow, it looks really yummy though avocado smoothie keeps popping in my head. Thanks for this! When are you posting the soup recipe? Can't wait!
  • I made this wonderful green breakfast bowl this morning and also cooked a small batch of granola to top it off. It was a gorgeous feel-good breakfast; the smoothie flavor was nicely rounded and subtly sweet. Little did I know my friend (and next-door neighbor) would be coming over to cancel our planned morning visit to a coffee shop because she developed mastitis overnight. She was tired, in pain, and certainly in need of good nutrition to help cleanse her body of the toxins. I served her this breakfast. She LOVED it and I felt so good that I could help in some way. Thank you!!
  • hugin
    I just made this this morning; way delicious! Even better than I expected. (My BlendTec, while not as nice as a Vitamix, had no problem with it.) I threw in a bit of hemp protein, but it doesn't seem to have impacted it much taste-wise. I never would have thought to use fennel in a smoothie, so this is fun. :) Need to get back into my own lemon-water habit! Like Shea, I also add turmeric, ginger, and honey, as well as a pinch of cayenne and a pinch of black pepper. So tasty! I like it kinda fiery. :) The same mix of things, except for the lemon, is delicious in a hot nutmilk, as well! That's a better evening drink.
  • I made this a few times this week and love it. The fennel and ginger add a really yummy touch and I've felt great all week. Thank you for sharing this!
  • Sara
    Hello Luise! Can you please specify wich Vitamix you chose and how did you get it? buYing it online? from the uk shop? Please let me know, I was thinking about buing a juicer but maibe vitamix is more extensive ... Congrats for your blog, I've been reading it since the very beginning and love it Sara
    • Hi Sara. Thanks :-) Here's a link to the swedish webshop we ordered from
  • Hot lemon water... I love it! I add thinly sliced ginger, tumeric and honey to mine. It's delicious and wards off lingering illness. Love the green bowl recipe and will definitely give it a try. I've been doing banana+spinach+peanutbutter+coconut water... never thought to add avocado though... YUM! Super foods are the way to go! Great job guys. :)
  • This recipe looks perfect--particularly the fennel...I would never have thought to combine these ingredients, so I look forward to trying it!
  • Ashlee Tharp
    Hi GKS - I love your recipes and have cooked many of them. My question is pretty basic, is there a way to print out the recipe and photo together? I might be overlooking a simple step to create a hard copy to use in the kitchen. Thanks!

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