Watermelon & Halloumi Salad with Magic Sauce


Hello! This is David & Luise. Remember us? During our almost eight years of blogging we have never left it silent for two months before. We’re going to do what we always do in these situations and blame the kids. Wether we miss a dentist appointment, forget to answer a text message, get a parking ticket or are two months late with a blog post, it’s always our kid’s fault. In this case however it’s actually somewhat true. We simply underestimated how much time and attention three kids on summer holiday takes. They have sooo much energy. I (David) have been thinking of ways to connect them (and with them I mean Isac) to the power grid so that they (he) could replace a nuclear power plant or two. And I could perhaps cash in a Nobel price for saving the world. Anyway, after a couple of weeks of feeling bad about not having a single second over to blog new recipes, we instead decided to give ourselves a summer break from it all. So we have been trying to keep up with our children’s pace (obviously impossible) and play on their rules (also impossible because they ignore rules) this summer. It’s been fun and much needed.

But we are here now with plenty of new recipe ideas and projects. Lots of other things have happened during the summer. We almost bought ourselves a tiny smoothie bar in a park, we burnt pancakes from Green Kitchen at Home inside a jam-packed little book store in Bath and we have planned the release of the European languages next month, but we’ll find time to talk more about all that. For now, let’s just talk food. Before the summer and watermelon season is all over.


This recipe has been going on repeat all summer. It’s actually a combination of two recipes which we recently realized work brilliantly together. A simple watermelon and halloumi salad and our Magic Green Sauce. We first got the idea to combine watermelon with halloumi from a recipe photo in a supermarket pamflett and from that combo, we’ve added some chickpeas, cherry toms and pumpkin seeds to make it less of a side and more of a meal. It’s a really nice combination. Rich and chewy halloumi, sweet and fresh watermelon, crunchy pumpkin seeds and a tangy, flavorful and slightly spicy sauce. If I wasn’t such a humble guy, I would say that it’s probably one of the best watermelon salads you’ll try this summer. Luckily, I’m super humble and will just say that it’s pretty good.

A simple vegan option would be to replace the halloumi with marinated tofu. Just make sure to squeeze out the liquid before marinating it, so it soaks up all the flavor. Quinoa, black lentils or rice could also be a great addition if you want to make this salad more substantial.

Here is a little salad assembling action by Luise.



Technically, the Magic Green Sauce is just our take on Chimichuri with a more hippie name. We use lime juice instead of vinegar and have added a little avocado to give it the right balance between creamy and chunky and also a few drips maple syrup to round off the sharpness from the other flavors. The magic lies in its ability to transfer any simple dish into something flavorful. Apart from this salad, we also use it on scrambled eggs, as a dip for raw crudités, inside rye sandwiches and on top of shakshuka. We have made it with a number of different herb combinations and found that anything goes (but parsley, cilantro/coriander and mint is still a fav).


Watermelon & Halloumi Salad with Magic Green Sauce
Serves 4

Watermelon & Halloumi Salad
1 kg / 2 lb watermelon
200 g / 7 oz halloumi

150 g / 1 cup good quality cherry tomatoes 
1 can / 200 g / 1 cup cooked chickpeas 
60 g / 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds / pepitas
2 large handfuls Mâche lettuce (or any tender lettuce)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 lime

Magic Green Sauce
1 large handful (30 g / 1 tightly packed cup) mixed fresh herbs (we used parsley, cilantro and mint)
1/2 cup / 120 ml olive oil
Juice from 1 lime
1 tbsp capers
1 tsp maple syrup
1 clove garlic
1 small chili
1/2 avocado
1/2 tsp sea salt flakes

Start by preparing the sauce. Add all sauce ingredients to a food processor and pulse a few times until coarsely mixed, check the flavor and consistency and add more salt, herbs or oil if needed. If you don’t have a food processor, finely chops herbs, capers, garlic and chili, mash the avocado and mix everything in a bowl together with olive oil, lime juice and maple syrup. Add salt to taste. Then set aside.

Dice the watermelon and halloumi, quarter the tomatoes and rinse the chickpeas. Toast the pumpkin seeds on medium heat in a dry pan with a little salt until they begin to pop, then transfer them to a chopping board and chop coarsely. Add a little oil to the pan and fry the halloumi for a couple of minutes until golden on all sides.

Arrange the lettuce in a bowl or on a serving platter. Add chickpeas, tomatoes, watermelon and halloumi. Squeeze over a little lime juice and drizzle with oil and toss until mixed. Top with pumpkin seeds and Magic Green Sauce, with extra in the side. Enjoy!


We are off to Rome now to celebrate that it was 10 years ago that my drunk feet tried to seduce dance Luise on a club by the Tiber while simultaneously using ALL my Italian pick up lines on her (took me approx 1 hour before I realized that she was Danish and not Italian!). We’re bringing all the kids this time and we’d really appreciate a comment if you know any good places to eat, fun playgrounds, outdoor pools or your favorite gelato bars. Grazie!


  • Sira-Jeanne
    I made the sauce only with cilantro. It was amazing ! Thanks a lot for this recipe !
  • Cristinacaos
    Salad for president after trying this one! 😋 Great job guys! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • Hahaha yes looking at the pictures I can tell you're being humble to say it's just "pretty good" :D
  • we will definitely make tonight and bring it to the office for our staff thank you for sharing this
  • Salad looks so fresh and the recipe is also so magical I really love it keep shareing.
  • Great you guys are back...! Always love to be inspired by you! I know these time consuming monsters called kids, haha! My blog is abandoned since Easter... sad, but reality is full of life and action... so the virtual world needs to wait... Enjoy ROMA!!
  • Absolutely beautiful salad! Love the combination of all the flavors, and with the lovely magic green sauce, it brings it all together quite magically! Its a great refreshing salad, thanks so much for sharing!
  • Soak up every moment with those little magical creatures and the memories will color you days and theirs forever.
  • Pauline
    Hej på er! Tack för en underbar blogg (den bästa matbloggen!) och för ännu ett underbart recept, detta måste lagas omgående! Angående Rom kan jag rekommendera Gelateria Fatamorgana (de har 2 butiker i stan) som nog har de intressantaste och okonventionellaste smakerna (men som smakar utmärkta!) Gelateria Giolotti är en annan favorit, ni måste prova körsbärsglassen, it is to die for! Ha en underbar, solig och fin resa! Hälsningar från Berlin!
  • Cinzia
    Tips from an Italian reader who loves your recipes and lives in Rome. Gelato: Otaleg (amazing but a bit far from the city centre) or Gelateria dei Gracchi (via dei Gracchi, Lepanto metro station). Great restaurant: Piano Strada in via delle Zoccolette. Enjoy!
  • Great to hear you had a lovely family oriented summer break! I love watermelon & I've been constantly looking for new recipe ideas where I could use it. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Andrea
    We your recipes!
  • So excited to see a post from you guys! You made me laugh from the first few sentences, which you always do :) This salad looks delicious and I love the accompanying video! I have never been to Rome so I don't have any recommendations, but I hope you have an amazing time!
  • So lovely to have you guys back! And with such a cool salad. Can't wait to try it
  • Anne
    When our 3 children were in the age of yours they loved the Castel Sant’Angelo at the Tiber and the park and playing ground surrounding it. Playing grounds are quite rare in Rome (my husband comes from a village close to Rome) so use every Park (and fountain) you can find for a break. Greetings from the sailboat in the middle of the archipelago north of Göteborg
  • Hi. I am Danish and a granny, so I know for sure : Kids first - they deserve it and need you now. In a few years they will look after themselves and go out into the world as beautiful healthy adults, because you have given them a good base. Thanks for the recipe <3
  • YUM, the magic green sauce is indeed. We are having it on roasted potato/veggie/tempeh salad. Thanks so much for this beautiful recipe. We have surrendered to summer here too :). Glad to have you back though xo from Maine
  • esmeralda
    ciaoooooo!!! so beautiful to hear that You will be in Rome!!! i live in Latina that is near Rome!I'm a very big fan of Yours, and i really would like to meet You!! it will be amazing! I know it isn't simple with 3 children, but pleaseeeee <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 there are a few places where You can go especially wg´here You can find good pizza... first of all: <3 Via della croce 49a (pizzeria "Il Grano) it's a bit expensive but it is really amazing!! <3 Via dei Chiavari 34 (Forno artigianale Roscioli) also very good pizza <3 Viale dei colli portuensi 594 (Gelateria Ortaleg Acquario) ice creammmmmm ;) <3 Via Luigi Poletti 6 (Gelateria Neve di latte) biologic and biodynamic ice-cream!! You have to try it! hope to see You in Rome with the 3 kids! much love Esmeralda Moschino
  • Yay! JUST the recipe I needed for summer as we try to lighten up our evening meals- perfect timing for your 'comeback' guys ;) Can't wait to try it soon!
  • I always learn something new from your posts. Todays "Ah ha" was Halloumi cheese. I'm going looking for it because I've never seen it in our food stores. So glad you are back posting and I loved your "blame it on the kids." That made me laugh, which is always good.
  • Rachel
    For Rome, check out Elizabeth Minchilli's blog. She lives there and has various apps for eating there and in other parts of Italy. I subscribe to her blog.
  • Anjali
    Love your posts.Salad looks amazingly refreshing!!!
  • I've just recently rediscovered how much I love watermelon on salads during the summer. This particular salad combination looks fantastic and I'm so excited to try it.
  • I was smiling the entire time I was reading this post. Love the glimpses into everyday life you guys give in the posts. And on that note I'm absolutely loving your At Home cookbook. The very best, ever! And fabulous idea to pair watermelon with halloumi and the green sauce. Can't wait to make this salad.
  • Rebecka
    Åh precis hemkkommen från två månader i Rom! La Romana och Gelateria del teatro är mina favoriter när det kommer till gelati. Finns massa bra resturanger runt Testacchio som inte är lika turistiga. Buon viaggio!
  • Thanks for coming back! :) I've missed your inspiration since the last post.
  • Sarah
    It is good to have you back! Your work is stunning, as always. As a former vegetarian, I used to love halloumi until I learned the sad truth about dairy. They have to artificially impregnate the female cows, goats, sheep, etc and then take the baby away so that we can use the milk instead. These animals mourn the loss just as humans do. There is no humane way to take a new born baby from it's mother.
    • Jennifer L.
      Are you vegan now. Former vegetarian turned what?
      • Sarah
        Yes, I am vegan now. Eggs were the last to go for me. Once I read that the male baby chicks are killed because they don't grow fast enough for meat, I couldn't stomach supporting that industry. Even small family farms buy their hens from large producers how participate in culling. Maybe the standards are different in other countries but that is what happens in the US. Sadly, it's all about maximizing profit, not doing what is best for the animals or the consumers.
  • Ella
    I was recommended to go to Il Gelato di San Crispino by a friend living in Rome and it was AMAZING! Best gelato experience in my life! It doesn't look all special at first but it's amazing and no weird powders in the ice cream that some gelaterias use. They have three places in the city. Gelato Biologico was also great with a lot of vegan options (try the matcha flavour!). There is also a restaurant called Romeow Cat Bistrot where people bring there cats to dinner, sounds weird but it looked super cosy and tasty and they owners were really nice so unless you are allergic I would go there. You need to make a reservation though cause they are almost always full! Hope you have great time!
  • Erica
    So happy to see a new post by you guys. You've been missed! The salad is looking incredible! Love the green sauce on top. Never been to Rome but will keep my eyes peeled for any tips you might get. Have fun!

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